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TEXTRAW Synthetic Pine Needles

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What is it?

Textraw is synthetic pine straw made from recycled polypropylene, which does not absorb water or chemicals. It recycles easily, from bottle scrap, carpet backing, fiber and yarn.


Why was Textraw developed?

In the pine-laden area of the Southeast, good fresh pine straw is in short supply; even when pine straw is available, the color, quality, price, etc. are inconsistent. And as pretty as pine straw is, its only nutritional value is a slight increase in soil Ph. Since it decomposes and is absorbant, it’s an attractive environment for pests, requires additional water and chemicals, and imports weed seeds into the garden.

Who uses Textraw?

Commercial and industrial properties that want high curb appeal and understand landscape maintenance. Homeowners who want the best appearance and health for their plants and flowers. Government facilities, highway ramps requiring erosion control.


Estimated 4-year life-cycle savings are 40-50%. Textraw has a 4 year warranty. Accelerated weatherometer tests show no fading over this period. With proper maintenance, life-cycle will be significantly extended.

In addition to the pure cost benefits, there are indirect cost benefit considerations:

  • No environment for insects means fewer bugs and less insecticides for bug control.
  • No weed seeds and mold spores means less allergies and herbicides.


Textraw vs. Pine straw

AvailabilityDependable year-round productionSeasonal; spotty
ColorConsistent longleaf pine reddish-brown “spring” needles, the most prizedInconsistent; depends on season, species, freshness, weather
Needle QualityConsistent mixture of 9-10″ strand lengths to simulate highly-desired old, original longleaf pine needlesHighly variable by species on pine; mostly loblolly and slash, with 6-10″ needles
Color RetentionUV-stabilized; tested; warranted to retain color for 4 yearsDecomposes immediately; turns brown; bleached gray in 6-12 months
Volume LossNone; does not decompose100% loss; most in first six months
InstallationClean, easy, quickGloves recommended
MaintenanceTurns, fluffs easily; extends lifeCrumbles when turned or fluffed; top-dress every 4-6 months
Moisture RetentionPasses moisture to soil and helps prevent evaporation; patented concave needle profile funnels all moisture to soilNeedles absorb and trap moisture
Abrasion and Crumble ResistanceHighly resistant to foot traffic and handlingBecomes increasingly brittle with age
Soil NutritionOver years, breaks down into harmless carbon, hydrogen, calcium carbonate and iron oxideIncreases acidity
BreathabilityMaintains breathability; helps oxygenate soil and deter mold and fungus growthMats, thatches and becomes spongy; decomposes and acts like second soil layer, causing roots to grow “up”
ContaminantsNone, always clean, pure , sterile balesEven when hand-combed, contains weeds, grass seed, mold spores, pine pollen, insects, fungus, mildew, sticks, twigs, leaves and pine cones
InsectsDoes not attract insectsDamp environment attracts insects, especially ants, roaches and termites
Bed Preparation / WeedsRake out old straw once; pre-emerge once; less weedsRake out old straw annually; pre-emerge annually; more weeds
FlammabilityRequires sustained exposure to flame to burn; will meltHighly flammable when dry
Chemical ResistanceNot affected by herbicides or pesticidesAbsorbs chemicals
Rain / Water ResistanceWill not absorb water; lighter than water and will float; not recommended for low-lying areas subject to flooding or run-offWill wash-away if used in areas subject to flooding or run-off
Environment / HarvestingPost-industrial recycled product; clean product can be recycled at end of useful lifeUnregulated; mechanized raking increases tree mortality; over-harvesting negatively affects forest growth and soil productivity, causes erosion and loss of wildlife habitat
Coverage/Unit50 sq ft @ 3.5″ depthDepends on bale size
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